Posts tagged with jenkins

TupiLabs Report: 24 Feb, 02 Mar

Mar 03, 2013 in functional-programming, jenkins, reddit, tap, tap-plugin | news

Here’s the list of the cool things we did since last Sunday at TupiLabs.

We are working for you

Have a great week! :D

Exporting data in R format

Feb 09, 2013 in jenkins, r, ideas | blog

Quandl has now a feature that lets users export data as an R matrix, this way the data can be easily loaded into R. Damn awesome righto? Kudos to the guys from Quandl!

read.csv('✓&trim_start=2012-01-03&trim_end=2013-02-07&sort_order=desc', colClasses=c('Date'='Date'))


Today’s idea is use Quandl approach in other applications. Jenkins exports some of its objects to its external JSON API. And there are stats being collected from plug-ins (like the download statistics). I am curious to know if there would have any gain in exporting parts of this data as R matrices and processing it directly with R.

This could be used in a lot of different applications, perhaps even using Hadoop and R. Instead of writing collectors to consume an RESTful service, you would simply write one R line to get the job done.

R does very fine in plotting too, so I wouldn’t be surprised to at least see some prettier charts :o)

Tupilabs Report: Jan 27, Feb 02

Feb 03, 2013 in biouno, cjan, functional-programming, groovy, jenkins, paskuale, reddit, tupilabs-report | news

Here’s the list of the cool things we did since last Sunday at TupiLabs.

We are working for you

Have a great week! :D

Querying a REST server from Groovy scripts in Jenkins

Feb 01, 2013 in groovy, jenkins | tutorials

This week, in a customer, I had to write a Groovy script to import some projects from an old installation. The SVN URL had changed. Not only the domain, but now the SVN structure was broken in modules (i.e. instead of /svn/… now there was /repo1/…, /repo2/…, etc).

The solution I found, was scan the SVN directory structure with Perl and produce a JSON file. Then I wrote a quick PHP application (with Slim) with an URL like /repo?projectName=XYZ, that returned the new repository URL.

Overly Manly meme

The last step was the hardest, since I needed to query the REST application. The script would get the current SVN address from the SVN SCM, query the REST URL to get the new URL, and lastly update the job with the new URL.

The solution I found was copy the necessary jars to jenkins lib/ folder, restart the server and execute my script. Then stop the server, remove the jars and check the new SVN URL’s. Here’s the list of jars I had to copy.

  • http-builder
  • nekohtml-1.9.9
  • xml-resolver-1.2
  • httpclient
  • httpcore
  • xercesImpl

If you have a Maven project with your REST client, you can get a list of dependencies with mvn dependency:copy-dependencies . Then copy the jars to Jenkins class path.

Tupilabs Report: Jan 20, Jan 26

Jan 30, 2013 in groovy, jenkins, tap4j, tupilabs-report | news

Here’s the list of the cool things we did since last Sunday at TupiLabs.

  • Finished writing an article to MundoJ magazine about Jenkins
  • Prepared for Groovy Scripts for Jenkins (we will publish them in tupilabs GitHub soon!)
  • Released tap4j 4.0.0!!! Yay!
  • Updated tap4j website and documentation

We are working for you

Have a great week! :D