Posts in blog

Add tags to Jenkins builds or export specific builds

Sep 12, 2013 in ideas, jenkins | blog

This idea is from @abayer, from these following tweets:

Tweet 1


Tweet 2

We could simply add tags to builds, and then create some place that would list the builds (or other things) that are tagged appropriately. Or we could add a way to define which builds should be exported to some tool, and then via the plug-in API maybe, post to this external tool.

Jenkins Sao Paulo Meetup promoting material

Aug 27, 2013 in jenkins, events, illustrations | blog

Sao Paulo is going to host the Jenkins Meetup 2013. It is the second time the event occurs, and we bet this year’s event will be even more awesome!

You can help the event by promoting it within your organization, with your friends, family and co-workers. Feel free to use the following banners to help spreading the word about the event.

The event is free but if you are going to attend it, please answer the meetup RSVP. The Call for papers is open too, send your case, tutorial, lighting talk or other suggestions.

Furthermore, let us know if you are interested in sponsoring the event. We have compiled a sponsorship program (PDF).

CodeIgniter application

CodeIgniter application

CodeIgniter application

DMC Latam day #2 report

Aug 11, 2013 in events, data management | blog

The second day of DMC Latam 2013 chapter Brazil started and the organizers explained that we would have two tracks instead of a single one. So far we have had all the talks at the same auditorium, with two projectors and enough room for probably about 300 people.

This second track, from what I understood, was included in this year’s event in order to have more technical sessions.

DMC Latam day #1 report

Aug 09, 2013 in events, data management | blog

On Wednesday the DMC Latam 2013 chapter Brazil took place in Braston Hotel. The hotel is located on Augusta Street, in downtown. Augusta used to be a bohemian area, but it is near Roosevelt Square, Consolacao Church and other touristic points now.

Being a programmer, after I arrived at DMC Latam, I was astonished by the number of people wearing suits - and I wearing an ol’ T-shirt. Many participants were foreigners, but there were also many Brazilian executive, managers and a few programmers.

Add support to Promoted Builds on Build Pipeline Plug-in

Jul 24, 2013 in ideas, jenkins | blog


Jenkins Build Pipeline Plug-in, by Centrum Systems (Australia), is an excellent plug-in, used by many users (over 6000 downloads according to last report).

However, it does not work well with the Jenkins Promoted Builds Plug-in, another great plug-in (over 4100 downloads last month).

It means that users are not able to create pipelines based on promotion (promoted pipelines?). This contribution would be awesome, useful and help a lot of users (maybe over 10000? :-)